Friday, January 30, 2009

Walking Pneumonia

Another first today: Micah's first day at school since he's started the meds. I'm happy to report he took everything on schedule; what a relief. Maybe we can make this work after all.

When I picked him up this afternoon, I could tell he didn't feel well. His little face was flushed and feverish, and his breathing was labored. Steve took him to Urgent Care and, one hour and one chest x-ray later, he was diagnosed with walking pneumonia and given a prescription for Zithromax. We gave him a dose before bed, so hopefully his lungs, at least, are on the mend. What is happening? He had been home all week, thanks to the winter weather, and he seemed FINE. How am I missing all of these problems? Has my mother's intuition gone completely dormant? I feel like I'm failing him when I don't pick up on the cues his body is trying to send.

A month ago, I made a reservation for tomorrow night at our favorite bed & breakfast, to celebrate the 16th anniversary of the day Steve and I met. A friend from church agreed to watch the kids overnight and, considering the stress of the past week, the timing seemed perfect. Now I'm not so sure. The doctor said Micah will be "minimally contagious" for the next 24 hours. The B&B is only 15 minutes from our house so I think, if our friend is willing to risk catching pneumonia, we'll keep our plans. It's all for the cause: sanity.


  1. What a challenge living with a sick kid is. My two year old has a rare digestive disorder called eosinophilia. A real gift though has been a book written by the Love and Logic authors. It really made a difference for removing the battles from his daily care including medications and doctors visits. You should really buy it. Take all offers of help! You deserve them--including childcare, even if one kid is sick!

  2. Thanks, Trisha, for the link. I will definitely check it out! I love that blogs can help create networks where we can help each other through tough times. I made the mistake of not accepting (much) help when I got sick. I'm not making that mistake this time. :)

  3. you are doing the right thing in setting those limits... as we believe together that Micah WILL emerge from this, he needs to be prepared for growing up and with discipline!! you and Steve are doing an amazing job. we love you and are praying for you.

  4. Mom,
    You are doing the best job ever! Your amazing! Never doubt that! The only thing that we can do for Micah is pray and give him his medicine! And we have been :)! With the help of Jesus we can make it through anything! Just know if you ever feel like you cant do it...just know we are here for you! And we always, always will be!
    Love always!
