Sunday, July 5, 2009

Good News!

I apologize for not updating sooner; I'm a working girl again... Not much time for blogging lately, BUT I wanted everyone to know that Micah got a great report at his doctor's appointment last week.

Dr. R said Micah is responding well to the meds, and his immune system appears to be dealing with some of the viral issues more effectively. He also thinks Micah's liver is functioning better. We haven't had his liver tests re-run yet, but we probably will in the next few months.

Micah is happy and active this summer, playing lots of basketball and riding the new Tony Hawk bike he got for his 7th birthday.

Thanks, as always, for all of your prayers and support. We are so grateful to God for the good work he's doing in Micah's little body.


  1. Dear MICAHS mom,
    I'm SOO glad he's better. It's taken a lot of stress OFF the family.
    Love MICHAS mom's daughter

  2. LOL opps Micah is M-I-C-A-H not micha

  3. Im so happy to hear Micah is better! This will take much stress off the family and you
