Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My Spinning Head

Since Old Man Winter unleashed his fury last night, the kids are out of school today and probably tomorrow. Good thing since we started Micah's new regimen this morning. So far, so good. He took all his meds three times on an empty stomach (no small feat with this boy!), just like the doctor ordered.

The pediatric gastroenterologist can see us on March 2; one more step down this road. We're apprehensive about seeing him because he will probably recommend the same "treatment" I took: a combination of steroids and an immunosuppressant drug. We're not interested in that approach since we believe, confirmed by my experience, that it doesn't treat anything; it just weakens the immune system, in effect making him more vulnerable to bizarre infections that people with a working immune system don't even get. We're also concerned that this doctor might recommend a liver biopsy to determine the extent of the damage. While not particularly involved, the procedure is risky and painful. We are praying that God will give us wisdom and guide our decision-making process as we evaluate all of our options in the coming weeks.

We're also tossing around the idea of home schooling Micah, at least for the rest of first grade, so I can more closely monitor his diet and medications. Taking all the meds three times a day is going to be a daunting challenge when he's in school seven hours a day. Also, since fatigue is common with liver problems, I want him to be able to rest whenever necessary. But he loves school and will miss his teacher and classmates if we make a change. We oscillate between wanting to do everything possible to help him heal and keeping his lifestyle and schedule as much the same as possible. My head is spinning; there's so much to consider.

Again tonight, God spoke to me through indeed, my devotional magazine. "The most frustrating feeling we can have when our circumstances are overwhelming is our sense of powerlessness." Bingo! I'm SO there. "We can't pull enough strings to..heal an illness.. or to ensure our own security in times of trouble. But often we try.. We are weak. But we are strong.. We have no power in ourselves, but we are not in ourselves, we are in Christ.. We have great strength, but not ours.. Our weakness is God's opportunity to be strong." Thank you, Lord, for this timely reminder. I think I might be able to sleep tonight.


  1. Lisa-
    Thank you so much for letting people know about your blog through Facebook. I came to it right away and read every single post. I will be praying for Micah and your whole family. You have such an amazing family! God bless you!

  2. Lisa & Steve,
    I read all of your entries this afternoon and I will be praying for you and your family. Tell MacKenzie I said hi!
